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We are Back to PPKM, Here’s to Manage Your Stress While Living Life at the Pandemic

Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has spread worldwide, impacting thousands of individuals. Because of this, the majority of individuals on the planet are insecure. Furthermore, they have acquired a great deal of information from numerous media outlets.

This condition unintentionally causes panic and stress. So, how do you cope with the anxiety brought on by COVID-19?

Doctor Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, MPH., Ph.D., a Health Promotion Specialist at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, stated that when people face problems, they typically experience anxiety, worry, and stress. People dealing with COVID-19 issues, which have a large distribution in numerous nations, are difficulties caused by today's problems.

Create a morning routine.

It's tempting to skip essential habits while you're stuck at home, but Flanagan says a morning routine can help you feel more productive and optimistic. Consider making a morning routine out of waking up at the same time every day, exercising, showering, meditating, journaling, cleaning your house, or eating a healthy breakfast.

Keep in touch with family and friends regularly. Maintaining contact with family and friends can help you feel less stressed.

Consider ways to help others.

Picking up groceries for a neighbor and dropping them at their door, donating to a local charity, or buying gift cards from your favorite restaurant are all examples of this. You can experience less stress and a greater sense of well-being by focusing on anything other than yourself.

Self-care might include gardening, cooking a healthy meal, or participating in a favorite hobby. Pick one goal to work on every day at the same time. It will give you a welcome break from your daily routine.

Have a daily self-care ritual.

Self-care can include exercise, meditation, walking outside, reading, taking a bubble bath, painting, journaling, gardening, cooking a healthy meal, or enjoying a favorite hobby. Pick one thing and do it at the same time each day. It will help anchor your day and provide a welcome respite.

Exercise regularly.

While some gyms demand masks or have social distancing policies in place, you may still engage in aerobic activity by walking, running, trekking, or playing with your children or pets, all of which can help produce endorphins. You can also do additional exercises in the privacy of your own home. According to Dr. Sullivan, Yoga and stretching are excellent methods to exercise your body while also calming your mind, and they're simple to perform on your own.

Limit news and media consumption

"When we frequently check our newsfeeds and read negative news, our sympathetic nervous system is activated, and we can go into fight-or-flight mode," Flanagan adds. He advocates checking the news only once or twice a day (preferably not first thing in the morning or last thing at night), turning off news notifications, and relying on one or two credible news sources.

Maintain a healthy diet.

Stress can harm your eating habits as well as your metabolism. Being aware of what prompts stress eating and preparing to battle the impulse are the best ways to combat stress or emotional eating. "Know your triggers, know what stresses you out, and be prepared," Dr. Sullivan advises for people who are prone to emotional eating. Having healthy snacks on hand will help nourish your body, allowing you to better deal with stress nutritionally. Dr. Sullivan explains, "Helping to balance your blood sugar throughout the day can keep your body stable and your emotions on a much better playing field."

Take a break.

"As humans, we desire control over our lives, and in this situation, we must learn to tolerate a lack of control," Dr. Sullivan explains. While keeping up with the latest news and developments is crucial, the constantly changing nature of the information can be overwhelming. Find the right balance of news exposure for you; This is especially critical for our children. We need to limit their media exposure and equip them with age-appropriate information. Disconnect physically and mentally as much as possible. Play a board game, go on a treasure hunt, work on a project, reorganize something, or start a new book that has nothing to do with coronaviruses.

The world has faced many challenges, including disease outbreaks, wars, and uncertain times. These periods, for better or worse, always pass. That isn't to say that this isn't a difficult period, but if we focus on what we can control and do, things beneficial for our health and the people around us.

If you would like to learn more advice for any self-development topics, you could also consult with us! Also, follow us at Instagram @baikgp and @ayureadypodcast for more information and extra insights!

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