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Communication & Presentation

Deliver your message effectively with practical guides from our coach!

Service Description

Communication and presentation skills are a part of each other. Whether it be for an interview, a project, or simply an assignment, these are two of the most critical aspects of succeeding in career life. You may have a brilliant idea or message, but not knowing how to convey it to people is something you surely do not want. Join our session to dig into how to excel in these skills and take your presenting and communicating from average to amazing! Benefits - An engaging Communication and Presentation Skills coaching session with our experienced coach - Techniques to be confident and keep your audience engaged during presentation - Opportunity to demonstrate presentation skills during the session - A follow-up plan from our coach Additional resources; article/video recommendations Available Coach : - Ayu Nabilah - Anandre Forastero, M.Psi., - Cynthia Cecilia - Faranabila - Raihan Zahirah

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