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Work Life Balance

Be an achiever in the workplace as you enjoy your personal life!

Service Description

Work often takes precedence over everything else in your life, including your own well-being. These days, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat. It is not simply about dividing up hours in your day, but more about having the flexibility to get things done in your professional life while still having time and energy to enjoy your personal life. Our service is specifically designed to assist you in creating a harmonious work-life balance. Benefits - An engaging one-on-one Work Life Balance coaching session with our experienced coach - Strategies for managing workplace flexibility - Tips and tricks for avoiding burn out, stress and other signs of an unbalanced life - A follow-up plan from our coach Additional resources: book/article/video recommendations Available Coach : - Ayu Nabilah - Anandre Forastero, M.Psi., - Cynthia Cecilia - Faranabila - Raihan Zahirah

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